#!/usr/bin/env python3
# basf2 (Belle II Analysis Software Framework) #
# Author: The Belle II Collaboration #
# #
# See git log for contributors and copyright holders. #
# This file is licensed under LGPL-3.0, see LICENSE.md. #
""" Skim list building functions for quarkonium analyses: bottomonium, charmonium, resonance """
import basf2
import modularAnalysis as ma
from ROOT import Belle2
from skim import BaseSkim, fancy_skim_header
from stdCharged import stdE, stdMu
from stdPhotons import stdPhotons
from stdV0s import stdLambdas
from variables import variables as v
__liaison__ = "Sen Jia <jiasen@seu.edu.cn>"
_VALIDATION_SAMPLE = "mdst16.root"
class BottomoniumUpsilon(BaseSkim):
Reconstructed decay modes:
* Y(1S,2S) -> l^+ l^{-} (l = e or mu)
Selection criteria:
* 2 tracks with momentum ranging between ``3.5 < p < 15``
* At least 1 track ``p < 1.5`` or 1 std photon with ``E > 150 MeV``
* ``M(Y(1S,2S)) > 8 GeV/c^2``
* ``foxWolframR2 < 0.995``
__authors__ = ["Stefano Spataro", "Sen Jia"]
__description__ = ""
__contact__ = __liaison__
__category__ = "physics, quarkonium"
ApplyHLTHadronCut = False
def load_standard_lists(self, path):
stdPhotons("loose", path=path)
def build_lists(self, path):
Ycuts = ""
# create and fill e/mu/pi/photon ParticleLists
ma.fillParticleList("mu+:BottomoniumUpsilon", "p<15 and p>3.5", path=path)
ma.fillParticleList("e+:BottomoniumUpsilon", "p<15 and p>3.5", path=path)
ma.fillParticleList("pi+:BottomoniumUpsilon", "p<1.5 and pt>0.05", path=path)
ma.cutAndCopyList("gamma:soft_BottomoniumUpsilon", "gamma:loose", "E>0.15", path=path)
# Y(1S,2S) are reconstructed with e^+ e^- or mu^+ mu^-
ma.reconstructDecay("Upsilon:ee -> e+:BottomoniumUpsilon e-:BottomoniumUpsilon", "M > 8", path=path)
ma.reconstructDecay("Upsilon:mumu -> mu+:BottomoniumUpsilon mu-:BottomoniumUpsilon", "M > 8", path=path)
ma.copyLists("Upsilon:all", ["Upsilon:ee", "Upsilon:mumu"], path=path)
# require foxWolframR2 < 0.995
ma.fillParticleList(decayString="pi+:BottomoniumUpsilon_eventshape", cut="pt > 0.1", path=path)
ma.fillParticleList(decayString="gamma:BottomoniumUpsilon_eventshape", cut="E > 0.1", path=path)
ma.buildEventShape(inputListNames=["pi+:BottomoniumUpsilon_eventshape", "gamma:BottomoniumUpsilon_eventshape"],
ma.applyCuts("Upsilon:all", "foxWolframR2 < 0.995", path=path)
# Y(1S,2S) with pi+ or photon are reconstructed
Upsilon_Channels = ["Upsilon:all pi+:BottomoniumUpsilon",
"Upsilon:all gamma:soft_BottomoniumUpsilon"]
# define the Y(1S,2S) decay channel list
UpsilonList = []
# reconstruct the decay channel
for chID, channel in enumerate(Upsilon_Channels):
ma.reconstructDecay("junction:all" + str(chID) + " -> " + channel, Ycuts, chID, path=path, allowChargeViolation=True)
UpsilonList.append("junction:all" + str(chID))
# return the list
return UpsilonList
# *two* sets of validation scripts defined.
class CharmoniumPsi(BaseSkim):
Reconstructed decay modes:
* J/psi -> l^+ l^- (l = e or mu)
* psi(2S) -> l^+ l^- (l = e or mu)
Selection criteria:
* 2 tracks with electronID > 0.1 or muonID > 0.1 and 2.85 < M < 3.9.
Track-quality requirements are not applied.
__authors__ = ["Kirill Chilikin"]
__description__ = "Selection of J/psi and psi(2S) via leptonic decays."
__contact__ = __liaison__
__category__ = "physics, quarkonium"
ApplyHLTHadronCut = False
validation_sample = _VALIDATION_SAMPLE
def load_standard_lists(self, path):
stdE('loosepid', path=path)
stdMu('loosepid', path=path)
stdPhotons('all', path=path)
def build_lists(self, path):
# Apply charged PID MVA.
charged_pid_mva_enabled = False
if charged_pid_mva_enabled:
if self.pidGlobaltag is None:
basf2.B2FATAL('The PID globaltag is not set in the CharmoniumPsi skim.')
epsilon = 1e-8
for p in ['electron', 'muon', 'pion', 'kaon']:
alias = f'{p}ID_ALL_LogTransfo'
orig = f'formula(-1. * log10(formula(((1. - {p}ID) + {epsilon}) / ({p}ID + {epsilon}))))'
v.addAlias(alias, orig)
ma.fillParticleList('e+:charged_pid', '', path=path)
ma.fillParticleList('mu+:charged_pid', '', path=path)
particleLists=['e+:charged_pid', 'mu+:charged_pid'],
'pidChargedBDTScore(11, ALL) > 0.1', path=path)
'pidChargedBDTScore(13, ALL) > 0.1', path=path)
# Lists with both standard and MVA-based PID.
ma.copyList('e+:merged', 'e+:loosepid', path=path)
ma.copyList('mu+:merged', 'mu+:loosepid', path=path)
if charged_pid_mva_enabled:
ma.copyList('e+:merged', 'e+:charged_pid', path=path)
ma.copyList('mu+:merged', 'mu+:charged_pid', path=path)
# Mass cuts.
jpsi_mass_cut = '2.85 < M < 3.3'
psi2s_mass_cut = '3.45 < M < 3.9'
# Electrons with bremsstrahlung correction.
# Use both correction algorithms as well as uncorrected electrons
# to allow for algorithm comparison in analysis.
# The recommended list for further reconstruction is J/psi:eebrems.
# The estimated ratio of efficiencies in B decays in release 5.1.5 is
# 1.00 (J/psi:eebrems) : 0.95 (J/psi:eebrems2) : 0.82 (J/psi:ee).
ma.correctBremsBelle('e+:brems', 'e+:merged', 'gamma:all',
angleThreshold=0.05, path=path)
ma.correctBrems('e+:brems2', 'e+:merged', 'gamma:all', path=path)
# Reconstruct J/psi or psi(2S).
ma.reconstructDecay('J/psi:ee_merged -> e+:merged e-:merged',
jpsi_mass_cut, dmID=1, path=path)
ma.reconstructDecay('psi(2S):ee_merged -> e+:merged e-:merged',
psi2s_mass_cut, dmID=1, path=path)
ma.reconstructDecay('J/psi:eebrems -> e+:brems e-:brems',
jpsi_mass_cut, dmID=1, path=path)
ma.reconstructDecay('psi(2S):eebrems -> e+:brems e-:brems',
psi2s_mass_cut, dmID=1, path=path)
ma.reconstructDecay('J/psi:eebrems2 -> e+:brems2 e-:brems2',
jpsi_mass_cut, dmID=1, path=path)
ma.reconstructDecay('psi(2S):eebrems2 -> e+:brems2 e-:brems2',
psi2s_mass_cut, dmID=1, path=path)
ma.reconstructDecay('J/psi:mumu_merged -> mu+:merged mu-:merged',
jpsi_mass_cut, dmID=2, path=path)
ma.reconstructDecay('psi(2S):mumu_merged -> mu+:merged mu-:merged',
psi2s_mass_cut, dmID=2, path=path)
# Return the lists.
return ['J/psi:ee_merged', 'psi(2S):ee_merged',
'J/psi:eebrems', 'psi(2S):eebrems',
'J/psi:eebrems2', 'psi(2S):eebrems2',
'J/psi:mumu_merged', 'psi(2S):mumu_merged']
def validation_histograms(self, path):
# NOTE: the validation package is not part of the light releases, so this import
# must be made here rather than at the top of the file.
from validation_tools.metadata import create_validation_histograms
# Reconstruct J/psi -> e+ e- and J/psi -> mu+ mu- decays.
ma.reconstructDecay('J/psi:mumu_test -> mu+:merged mu-:merged', '', path=path)
ma.reconstructDecay('J/psi:ee_test -> e+:merged e-:merged', '', path=path)
ma.copyList('J/psi:ll', 'J/psi:mumu_test', path=path)
ma.copyList('J/psi:ll', 'J/psi:ee_test', path=path)
# Print histograms.
'InvM', 65, 2.7, 4.0,
'J/#psi mass',
'J/psi mass',
'J/psi peak is seen.',
'M [GeV/c^{2}]', 'Events / (20 MeV/c^{2})',
class InclusiveLambda(BaseSkim):
**Reconstructed decay:**
* :math:`\\Lambda \\to p \\pi^-` (and charge conjugate)
**Selection criteria:**
Cuts on proton:
* ``protonID > 0.1``
Cuts on Lambda:
* ``cosAngleBetweenMomentumAndVertexVector > 0.75``
* ``flightDistance/flightDistanceErr > 0.``
* ``0.5 < p_proton/p_Lambda < 1.25 GeV/c``
__authors__ = ["Bianca Scavino"]
__description__ = "Inclusive Lambda skim"
__contact__ = __liaison__
__category__ = "physics, quarkonium"
ApplyHLTHadronCut = False
def load_standard_lists(self, path):
def build_lists(self, path):
# Add useful alias
v.addAlias("protonID_proton", "daughter(0, protonID)")
v.addAlias("momRatio_protonLambda", "formula(daughter(0, p)/p)")
v.addAlias('flightSignificance', 'formula(flightDistance/flightDistanceErr)')
# Apply selection to Lambdas
ma.applyCuts("Lambda0:merged", "cosAngleBetweenMomentumAndVertexVector > 0.75", path=path)
ma.applyCuts("Lambda0:merged", "0.5 < momRatio_protonLambda < 1.25", path=path)
ma.applyCuts("Lambda0:merged", "flightSignificance > 0.", path=path)
ma.applyCuts("Lambda0:merged", "protonID_proton > 0.1", path=path)
# Return the lists.
return ["Lambda0:merged"]
class InclusiveUpsilon(BaseSkim):
Reconstructed decay modes:
* Upsilon(1S,2S,3S) -> l^+ l^- (l = e or mu)
Selection criteria:
* 3 charged tracks or 2 charged tracks + 1 std photon
8.5 < M < 10.6 for e+e- mode and M > 8.5 for mu+mu- mode
__authors__ = ["Sen Jia"]
__description__ = "Inclusive Upsilon(1S,2S,3S) skim"
__contact__ = __liaison__
__category__ = "physics, quarkonium"
ApplyHLTHadronCut = False
def load_standard_lists(self, path):
stdPhotons("loose", path=path)
def build_lists(self, path):
# create and fill e/mu/pi/photon ParticleLists
ma.fillParticleList('e+:all', "", path=path)
ma.fillParticleList("mu+:all", "", path=path)
ma.fillParticleList("pi+:all", "", path=path)
ma.cutAndCopyList("gamma:skimsoft_InclusiveUpsilon", "gamma:loose", "E>0.15", path=path)
# Y(1S,2S) are reconstructed with e^+ e^- or mu^+ mu^-
ma.reconstructDecay("Upsilon:llee -> e+:all e-:all", "M > 8 and M < 10.6", path=path)
ma.reconstructDecay("Upsilon:llmumu -> mu+:all mu-:all", "M > 8", path=path)
ma.copyLists("Upsilon:ll", ["Upsilon:llee", "Upsilon:llmumu"], path=path)
# Y(1S,2S) with pi+ or photon are reconstructed
InclusiveUpsilon_Channels = ["Upsilon:ll pi+:all",
"Upsilon:ll gamma:skimsoft_InclusiveUpsilon"]
# define the Y(1S,2S) decay channel list
InclusiveUpsilon = []
InclusiveUpsilon_cuts = ""
# reconstruct the decay channel
for chID, channel in enumerate(InclusiveUpsilon_Channels):
"junction:InclusiveUpsilon" +
str(chID) +
" -> " +
InclusiveUpsilon.append("junction:InclusiveUpsilon" + str(chID))
# return the list
return InclusiveUpsilon