Installation instructions

12.3.1. Installation instructions#

The package has an external dependency on ROOT and TCLAP. Assuming these are installed in your system, you can compile all examples by executing the following commands from the minuit subdirectory of the b2-fitting-training repository:

mkdir build
cd build
cmake ../
cd -

If TCLAP is not installed in your system, download it from (TCLAP is a header-only library and does not need to be compiled, downloading it is enough). Then configure cmake with

cmake -D TCLAP_PATH=path_to_tclap_dir ../

If you work on KEKCC, setup a recent basf2 release to get ROOT, and configure cmake by explicitly setting gcc/g++ as compilers with

cmake -D CMAKE_C_COMPILER=`which gcc` -D CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=`which g++` -D TCLAP_PATH=path_to_tclap_dir ../

The compiled executables will be in the bin directory. Usage instruction are printed when running the example with the -h argument, e.g.

./bin/simple-1d-fit -h