Source code for grafei.model.dataset_utils

# basf2 (Belle II Analysis Software Framework)                           #
# Author: The Belle II Collaboration                                     #
#                                                                        #
# See git log for contributors and copyright holders.                    #
# This file is licensed under LGPL-3.0, see                  #

import numpy as np
import uproot

[docs] def populate_avail_samples(X, Y, B_reco=0): """ Shifts through the file metadata to populate a list of available dataset samples. Args: X (list): List of ROOT lazyarray dicts for X (input) data. Y (list): List of ROOT lazyarray dicts for Y (ground truth) data. B_reco (int): Reconstruction mode flag (set automatically): .. math:: \\text{Upsilon} (4S) = 0,\\ B^0 = 1,\\ B^+ = 2. Returns: list: List of available samples for training. """ # Must iterate over Y because X contains a b_index of -1 for unmatched particles avail_samples = [] # Iterate over files in self.y for i, f in enumerate(Y): # Have to get event list differently events = X[i]["event"] # Iterate over events in current file for evt_idx, _ in enumerate(events): b_indices = [1] if not B_reco else [1, 2] for b_index in b_indices: # Check that LCA is not trivial lca_rows = f[b_index]["n_LCA"][evt_idx] if lca_rows < 2: continue # Fetch relevant event properties x_attrs = X[i] evt_b_index = x_attrs["b_index"][evt_idx] evt_primary = x_attrs["primary"][evt_idx] # particles coming from one or both Bs matched = (evt_b_index != -1) if not B_reco else (evt_b_index == int(b_index)) # Keeping only those where there are reconstructed particles if matched.sum() == 0: continue # Skip events/B's with one or less primaries reconstructed if np.sum(np.logical_and(matched, evt_primary)) < 2: continue # If we made it to here a sample is valid and we add it to the one available avail_samples.append((i, evt_idx, b_index)) return avail_samples
[docs] def preload_root_data(root_files, features, discarded): """ Load all data from root files as lazyarrays (not actually read from disk until accessed). Args: root_files (str): Path to ROOT files. features (list): List of feature names. discarded (list): List of features present in the ROOT files and not used as input, but used to calculate other quantities (e.g. edge features). Returns: list, list: Lists of dictionaries containing training information for input and ground-truth. """ x = [] y = [] for f in root_files: with["Tree"] as tree: # Get event numbers event = tree["event"].array(library="np") # Create dicts for x and y lazy arrays x_dict = {} x_dict["event"] = event x_dict["features"] = { feat: tree[feat].array(library="np") for feat in features } x_dict["discarded"] = { feat: tree[feat].array(library="np") for feat in discarded } # Need this to initialise numpy features array in __getitem__ x_dict["leaves"] = tree["leaves"].array(library="np") x_dict["primary"] = tree["primary"].array(library="np") x_dict["b_index"] = tree["b_index"].array(library="np") x_dict["mc_pdg"] = tree["mcPDG"].array(library="np") y_dict = {1: {}, 2: {}} for i in [1, 2]: # Get this LCA # Need this to reshape the falttened LCA when loading y_dict[i]["n_LCA"] = tree[f"n_LCA_leaves_{i}"].array(library="np") y_dict[i]["LCA"] = tree[f"LCAS_{i}"].array(library="np") y_dict[i]["LCA_leaves"] = tree[f"LCA_leaves_{i}"].array(library="np") x.append(x_dict) y.append(y_dict) return x, y