Source code for skim.utils.testfiles

#!/usr/bin/env python3

# basf2 (Belle II Analysis Software Framework)                           #
# Author: The Belle II Collaboration                                     #
#                                                                        #
# See git log for contributors and copyright holders.                    #
# This file is licensed under LGPL-3.0, see                  #

import re
import sys
from pathlib import Path

import json
import jsonschema
import yaml

from basf2 import find_file

[docs] class Sample: """Base class for skim test samples.""" def __init__(self, **kwargs): """ Initialise Sample. Passing any unrecognised keywords will raise an error. """ if kwargs: keys = ", ".join(kwargs.keys()) raise ValueError( f"Unrecognised arguments in test sample initialisation: {keys}" ) location = NotImplemented """Path of the test file.""" @property def encodeable_name(self): """ Identifying string which is safe to be included as a filename component or as a key in the skim stats JSON file. As a rough naming convention, data samples should start with 'Data-', MC sample with 'MC-', and custom samples with 'Custom-'. """ return NotImplemented @property def printable_name(self): """ Human-readable name for displaying in printed tables. """ return NotImplemented
[docs] @staticmethod def resolve_path(location): """ Replace ``'${SampleDirectory}'`` with ``Sample.SampleDirectory``, and resolve the path. Parameters: location (str, pathlib.Path): Filename to be resolved. Returns: pathlib.Path: Resolved path. """ SampleDirectory = "/group/belle2/dataprod/MC/SkimTraining" location = str(location).replace("${SampleDirectory}", SampleDirectory) return Path(location).expanduser().resolve()
@property def as_dict(self): """ Sample serialised as a dictionary. """ return NotImplemented def __str__(self): return self.encodeable_name
[docs] class DataSample(Sample): def __init__( self, *, location, processing, experiment, beam_energy="4S", general_skim="all", **kwargs, ): # Pass unrecognised kwargs to base class super().__init__(**kwargs) self.location = self.resolve_path(location) self.processing = processing if isinstance(experiment, int) or not experiment.startswith("exp"): experiment = f"exp{experiment}" self.experiment = experiment self.beam_energy = beam_energy self.general_skim = general_skim def __repr__(self): return ( f"{self.__class__.__name__}(" f"location={repr(self.location)}, " f"processing={repr(self.processing)}, " f"experiment={repr(self.experiment)}, " f"beam_energy={repr(self.beam_energy)}, " f"general_skim={repr(self.general_skim)})" ) @property def as_dict(self): return { "location": str(self.location), "processing": self.processing, "experiment": self.experiment, "beam_energy": self.beam_energy, "general_skim": self.general_skim, } @property def encodeable_name(self): return "-".join( ( "Data", self.processing, self.experiment, self.beam_energy, self.general_skim, ) ) @property def printable_name(self): name = f"{self.processing} {self.experiment}" # Only print additional info in non-default situations if self.beam_energy != "4S": name += f", {self.beam_energy}" if self.general_skim != "all": name += f", ({self.general_skim})" return name
[docs] class MCSample(Sample): def __init__( self, *, location, process, campaign, beam_energy="4S", beam_background="BGx1", **kwargs, ): # Pass unrecognised kwargs to base class super().__init__(**kwargs) self.location = self.resolve_path(location) self.process = process self.beam_energy = beam_energy if isinstance(campaign, int) or not campaign.startswith("MC"): campaign = f"MC{campaign}" self.campaign = campaign if isinstance(beam_background, int) or not beam_background.startswith("BGx"): beam_background = f"BGx{beam_background}" self.beam_background = beam_background def __repr__(self): return ( f"{self.__class__.__name__}(" f"location={repr(self.location)}, " f"process={repr(self.process)}, " f"campaign={repr(self.campaign)}, " f"beam_energy={repr(self.beam_energy)}, " f"beam_background={repr(self.beam_background)})" ) @property def as_dict(self): return { "location": str(self.location), "process": self.process, "campaign": self.campaign, "beam_energy": self.beam_energy, "beam_background": self.beam_background, } @property def encodeable_name(self): return "-".join( ("MC", self.campaign, self.beam_energy, self.process, self.beam_background) ) @property def printable_name(self): name = f"{self.campaign} {self.process}" # Only print additional info in non-default situations if self.beam_background != "BGx1": name += f" {self.beam_background}" if self.beam_energy != "4S": name += f", {self.beam_energy}" return name
[docs] class CustomSample(Sample): def __init__(self, *, location, label=None, **kwargs): # Pass unrecognised kwargs to base class super().__init__(**kwargs) self.location = self.resolve_path(location) if label is None: self.label = str(location) else: self.label = label self.sanitised_label = re.sub(r"[^A-Za-z0-9]", "", self.label) def __repr__(self): return ( f"{self.__class__.__name__}(" f"location={repr(self.location)}, " f"label={repr(self.label)})" ) @property def as_dict(self): return {"location": str(self.location), "label": self.label} @property def encodeable_name(self): return f"Custom-{self.sanitised_label}" @property def printable_name(self): return self.label
[docs] class TestSampleList: """Container class for lists of MC, data, and custom samples.""" DefaultSampleYAML = ( "/group/belle2/dataprod/MC/SkimTraining/SampleLists/TestFiles.yaml" ) def __init__(self, *, SampleYAML=None, SampleDict=None, SampleList=None): """ Initialise a list of test samples. Three methods are of initialisation are allowed. If no arguments are given this function will default to a standard list of samples defined in ``/group/belle2/dataprod/MC/SkimTraining/SampleLists/TestFiles.yaml``. Parameters: SampleYAML (str, pathlib.path): Path to a YAML file containing sample specifications. SampleDict (dict): Dict containing sample specifications. SampleList (list(Sample)): List of Sample objects. """ if sum(p is not None for p in (SampleYAML, SampleDict, SampleList)) > 1: raise ValueError( "Only one out of SampleYAML, SampleDict, or SampleList can be passed." ) if SampleList is not None: # Initialise from list of Sample objects self.mc_samples = [s for s in SampleList if isinstance(s, MCSample)] self.data_samples = [s for s in SampleList if isinstance(s, DataSample)] self.custom_samples = [s for s in SampleList if isinstance(s, CustomSample)] return if SampleDict is None: if SampleYAML is None: SampleYAML = self.DefaultSampleYAML with open(SampleYAML) as f: SampleDict = yaml.safe_load(f) self.validate_schema(SampleDict, SampleYAML) self._parse_all_samples(SampleDict) @property def _all_samples(self): return [*self.mc_samples, *self.data_samples, *self.custom_samples] def __iter__(self): yield from self._all_samples def __getitem__(self, i): return self._all_samples[i] def __len__(self): return len(self._all_samples) def __repr__(self): return f"{self.__class__.__name__}(" f"SampleList={repr(list(self))})" @property def SampleDict(self): return { "MC": [s.as_dict for s in self.mc_samples], "Data": [s.as_dict for s in self.data_samples], "Custom": [s.as_dict for s in self.custom_samples], }
[docs] def validate_schema(self, SampleDict, InputYAML=None): """ Validate YAML input against JSON schema defined in ``skim/tools/resources/test_samples_schema.json``. """ schema_file = find_file("skim/tools/resources/test_samples_schema.json") with open(schema_file) as f: schema = json.load(f) try: jsonschema.validate(SampleDict, schema) except jsonschema.exceptions.ValidationError as e: if InputYAML: raise ValueError( f"Error in sample list configuration file {InputYAML}" ) from e raise e
@staticmethod def _parse_samples(SampleDict, BlockName, SampleClass): if SampleDict is None: return [] try: InputSampleList = SampleDict[BlockName] except KeyError: return [] if InputSampleList is None: return [] samples = [] for sample in InputSampleList: samples.append(SampleClass(**sample)) return samples def _parse_all_samples(self, SampleDict): """Read in each block of the YAML and create lists of sample objects.""" MissingParams = ( "Error in '{block}' block of test sample yaml file.\n" "The following must all have defined values: {params}" ) try: self.data_samples = self._parse_samples(SampleDict, "Data", DataSample) except TypeError as e: required = ", ".join( f"'{p}'" for p in ("location", "processing", "beam_energy", "experiment") ) raise ValueError(MissingParams.format(block="Data", params=required)) from e try: self.mc_samples = self._parse_samples(SampleDict, "MC", MCSample) except TypeError as e: required = ", ".join(f"'{p}'" for p in ("location", "process", "campaign")) raise ValueError(MissingParams.format(block="MC", params=required)) from e try: self.custom_samples = self._parse_samples( SampleDict, "Custom", CustomSample ) except TypeError as e: required = ", ".join(f"'{p}'" for p in ("location",)) raise ValueError( MissingParams.format(block="Custom", params=required) ) from e
[docs] def query_mc_samples( self, *, process=None, campaign=None, beam_energy=None, beam_background=None, exact_match=False, inplace=False, ): """ Find all MC samples matching query. Parameters: process (str): Simulated MC process to query. campaign (str, int): MC campaign number to query. beam_energy (str): Beam energy to query. beam_background (str, int): Nominal beam background to query. exact_match (bool): If passed, an error is raised if there is not exactly one matching sample. If there is exactly one matching sample, then the single sample is returned, rather than a list. inplace (bool): Replace MC samples with the list obtained from query. """ if inplace and exact_match: raise ValueError( "Incompatible arguments passed: `inplace` and `exact_match`" ) samples = [ s for s in self.mc_samples if (process is None or s.process == process) and (campaign is None or s.campaign == campaign) and (beam_energy is None or s.beam_energy == beam_energy) and (beam_background is None or s.beam_background == beam_background) ] if exact_match: if len(samples) == 1: return samples[0] else: raise ValueError( "`exact_match=True` was specified, but did not find exactly one match." ) else: if inplace: self.mc_samples = samples else: return samples
[docs] def query_data_samples( self, *, processing=None, experiment=None, beam_energy=None, general_skim=None, exact_match=False, inplace=False, ): """ Find all MC samples matching query. Parameters: processing (str): Data processing campaign number to query. experiment (str, int): Experiment number to query. beam_energy (str): Beam energy to query. general_skim (str): ``GeneralSkimName`` to query. exact_match (bool): If passed, an error is raised if there is not exactly one matching sample. If there is exactly one matching sample, then the single sample is returned, rather than a list. inplace (bool): Replace MC samples with the list obtained from query. """ if inplace and exact_match: raise ValueError( "Incompatible arguments passed: `inplace` and `exact_match`" ) samples = [ s for s in self.data_samples if (processing is None or s.processing == processing) and (experiment is None or s.experiment == experiment) and (beam_energy is None or s.beam_energy == beam_energy) and (general_skim is None or s.general_skim == general_skim) ] if exact_match: if len(samples) == 1: return samples[0] else: raise ValueError( "`exact_match=True` was specified, but did not find exactly one match." ) else: if inplace: self.data_samples = samples else: return samples
[docs] def get_test_file(process, *, SampleYAML=None): """ Attempt to find a test sample of the given MC process. Parameters: process (str): Physics process, e.g. mixed, charged, ccbar, eemumu. SampleYAML (str, pathlib.Path): Path to a YAML file containing sample specifications. Returns: str: Path to test sample file. Raises: FileNotFoundError: Raised if no sample can be found. """ samples = TestSampleList(SampleYAML=SampleYAML) matches = samples.query_mc_samples(process=process) try: # Return the first match found return matches[0].location except IndexError as e: raise ValueError(f"No test samples found for MC process '{process}'.") from e
if __name__ == "__main__": # Print the parsed contents of the YAML file try: samples = TestSampleList(SampleYAML=sys.argv[1]) except IndexError: samples = TestSampleList() print("Samples defined in YAML file:") for sample in samples: print(f" * {repr(sample)}")