.. _referencing_things: Referencing Components ---------------------- Much of the documentation done by Sphinx involves referencing other components of the documentation. For example, when writing the command ``:py:func:`examplemodule.dummy_function_example```, you are referencing a documented Python function of this name. Sphinx then automatically creates a reference link to this function for you, displayed as :py:func:`examplemodule.dummy_function_example`. You can also create your own references to most other components of the documentation, such as sections, code-blocks, and figures. To create a custom reference you should put the reference directive just prior to the component you want to reference. For example, in order to create a reference to this section this code was used .. code-block:: rst .. _referencing_things: Referencing Components ---------------------- .. important:: Notice that the reference name ``_referencing_things`` has a leading underscore. This is *not part of the name*. When using the reference you omit this underscore. We can then make a reference to this section by using ``:ref:`referencing_things``` which displays as :ref:`referencing_things`. If you prefer to have a numbered reference, we could instead use ``:numref:`referencing_things``` which displays as :numref:`referencing_things`. We also have enabled a extension to automatically define references for all sections. So without adding anything this section could also be referenced by ``:ref:`framework/doc/referencing:Referencing Components``` which still result in :ref:`framework/doc/referencing:Referencing Components`.