.. _googlestyle: Google Style Docstrings ----------------------- The original reStructuredText style to define parameters with ``:param name:`` becomes a bit unreadable in plain text form. To make sure that the documentation is human readable also in plain text we recommend using `Google style docstrings`_. Simply put, instead of writing .. code-block:: rst :param type1 name1: description 1 :param name2: description 2 :returns: return value description you should write .. code-block:: none Parameters: name1 (type1): description 1 name2: description 2 Returns: return value description The known sections you can and should use if appropriate are * ``Attributes`` * ``Example`` * ``Examples`` * ``Keyword Arguments`` * ``Methods`` * ``Note`` * ``Other Parameters`` * ``Parameters`` * ``Returns`` * ``Raises`` * ``References`` * ``See Also`` * ``Todo`` * ``Warning`` * ``Warns`` * ``Yields`` You can see a more complete example of this format at http://www.sphinx-doc.org/en/stable/ext/example_google.html .. _Google style docstrings: http://www.sphinx-doc.org/en/stable/ext/napoleon.html