Inserting Figures ----------------- While properly documenting the code itself is the first step to take, you may want to include figures that explain overall concepts of a package, module, or class (see :numref:`framework_modpath_diagram`). To do this, first simply place the image file you would like to display into your ``/doc>`` directory. You can then place the image (in this case ``cat.jpg``) into the documentation by using .. code-block:: rst .. _cat_picture: .. figure:: cat.jpg :width: 40em :align: center Why is it always cats? where we have also included the reference ``cat_picture`` to use later. This markup would display the image as .. _cat_picture: .. figure:: cat.jpg :width: 40em :align: center Why is it always cats? Just as with other components, we can reference the picture from the text by using ``:ref:`cat_picture```. Which then appears as a reference using the caption text as :ref:`cat_picture`. As before, we could use the ``:numref:`` syntax to get a numbered reference displayed as :numref:`cat_picture`.