Add basf2 Variables Documentation to Sphinx ------------------------------------------- We can also add documentation for basf2 variables with a very similar syntax to modules: .. rst:directive:: b2-variables Allows to automatically document basf2 variables from the VariableManager. It has the following optional parameters. .. note:: ``:regex-filter:`` and ``:noindex:`` can be used also for ``b2-variables`` as described in previous section. .. rst:role:: group If present show only the variables in the named group .. rst:role:: variables Can be used to specify a comma separated list of variable names to show, for example .. code-block:: rst .. b2-variables:: :variables: x,y,z Will only produce documentation for the variables ``x``, ``y``, and ``z`` For this automatic documentation to work all documentation strings passed to ``REGISTER_VARIABLE()`` should be valid reStructuredText_ (see :ref:`multiline_cpp_strings`) It is also possible to reference variables elsewhere in the text, for example ``:b2:var:`pidProbabilityExpert```. In most case it will work even when omitting the ``:b2:var:`` but it is recommended to add it to make sure it actually links to the correct thing and not a python function with the same name. .. important:: Please document any parameters your variable might have using :ref:`googlestyle` .. _reStructuredText: