.. highlight:: shell Installation and Setup ====================== The Belle II Software is meant to work on any recent 64 bit Linux system but it is only tested and provided in binary form for a few select distributions .. include:: supported-distributions.rst-fragment If you run on one of these distributions the most convenient way to obtain the Belle II Software is to use it via CVMFS_, which is readily available on KEKCC and many HEP specific software resources. It can also easily be installed on your local machine following the `CVMFS Client Quick Start`_ guide. .. note:: In the following it is assumed that you have configured your `access to the code repository`_ If you have CVMFS available, please continue with .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 cvmfs_setup If you want to install the Belle II Software without CVMFS please have a look at the following documents: .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 installation-tools installation-local Alternatively you can use a docker container to get the Belle II software (instructions `here `_), for example on Mac or Windows machines. .. _CVMFS: https://cernvm.cern.ch/portal/filesystem .. _CVMFS Client Quick Start: https://cernvm.cern.ch/portal/filesystem/quickstart .. _access to the code repository: https://confluence.desy.de/x/2o4iAg